What Stroller Should I Buy?
Selecting your stroller
Spoiler alert: there is no PERFECT one
One of the biggest choices NYC parents make is about their stroller. It’s challenging enough navigating the city alone, but add baby and it can be downright impossible. The right stroller can make all the difference, but the options are seemingly endless. Travel system, full size, compact/travel, jogging? Car seat compatibility, adaptors, accessories? It’s like shopping for a car and difficult to even get started! .
Knowing upfront that there really isn’t a PERFECT stroller out there, we’ll help you find the absolute best option or options (yes, many families have two or three) so you can feel confident you’re set up for this next chapter and able to seamlessly navigate the city with your little peanut.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you begin to shop for a stroller…
) Who will be using it? Yes, it seems simple enough, but if you and your partner plan to use it, it needs to work for both of you (think height and strength here).
) Where do you live? Suburbs or city play a role here and the terrain does too!
) What is your primary use case for the stroller? Will you be taking long walks? In and out of the car? Traveling?
) What type of infant car seat do you have and will they be compatible?
) Do you have any other priorities for your stroller (i.e running, limited storage)?
I’ll walk you through these questions and more to help you determine what is most important to you and select the best option for your lifestyle. The stroller is one of the biggest product decisions to hold up expectant parents, but we can tackle it together!