Baby "Stuff"
The “stuff”: nursery organization
The “stuff” of having a baby can get overwhelming very quickly, particularly for NYC families. Space might be limited and/or you might be someone who just can’t take the clutter. For me, the feeling that I was losing control of my home, my stuff, and let’s face it, my body made nesting a STRESSFUL experience.
Any NYC parent knows the storage and organizational challenges that go along with apartment living with a newborn. When I was pregnant, I filled our entire second bedroom with amazon boxes because I just couldn’t deal. Even my type-A, hyper organized self felt totally overwhelmed when the boxes kept piling up. It sent my anxiety over the edge! So I did what every grown woman would do...stuck them behind closed doors and waited for my mom and sister to take care of it. Everyone was so generous to gift us all of these amazing items that I had so carefully selected, but now what? Where am I going to put all of this?!
Working with a baby planner can help you tackle the clutter a few different ways…
1️⃣ Evaluate if it’s even an item you NEED
2️⃣ Determine if there is an alternative to buying (i.e renting or borrowing)
3️⃣ Come to your home to figure out the optimal organizing technique that will keep you feeling sane. 👋🏻 Beautiful baskets!
📷: @namastayorganized via @cratesandkids