Top 6 Baby Registry Tips
Our top tips for building a baby registry.
Easy to implement tips to make the process a bit less overwhelming
Consider your space & lifestyle - I see it time and time again, people buying all the things! They crowdsourced lists of MUST HAVES from their friends (which came back with conflicting recommendations), read all the mommy blogs and walked around for weeks with Buy Buy Baby’s registry list. You want to be prepared and are fearful you’re forgetting something, so you just get EVERYTHING. Here’s the problem, you live in a two bedroom apartment, hate overcrowded cabinets, and plan on moving in the next 6 months. So what’s with all the baby stuff that you’ll only use for a few months?
Register in stages - Newborns don’t NEED all that much - - For some, it makes sense to register for a full year’s worth of products BUT for others registering in baby phases makes the most sense. At Prepping for Peanut, we break out our lists from 0-3 months, 3-6 months, and 6-12 months. So you know what’s coming next and can acquire items at the pace you want.
Don’t forget about YOUR Needs - All-consumed with baby gear is a sure fire way to forget to prepare yourself for those postpartum days. Remember that a happy mom means a happy baby so try to focus on yourself first and baby second. You can always request a Prepping for Peanut curated list of mama-must-haves for those early days!
Control the process - Avoid cumbersome returns and put the value where you can actually use it (hi Amazon!) Selecting where you register is just as important as selecting the items. Make sure the return process is easy, and that you can return for gift cards you will use if need be. Having gift cards for diapers and wipes is always a PLUS.
Diversify price points - This shouldn’t be top priority, but your friends and family will appreciate being able to choose from multiple price point items. Think 50% Gucci 50% Gerber.
Invest in multiphase items - Make sure your high price point items will serve you for multiple stages, if they are single stage use, I recommend putting your money elsewhere.
Need help getting started with your registry? Check out our packages to see if working with Prepping for Peanut is right for you.