Real Mama Picks: Emily Watson
Real Mama Picks with Emily Watson
The Founder of MyNestwell shares her hero products for the early days of motherhood
Okay okay so as much as I bash crowdsources lists, I know they can be a helpful tool for expecting families to hear from others about their favorite products and how they used them, so I’m happy to share here a few picks from a fellow mama and entrepreneur, Emily Watson. This isn’t a must-have list - I firmly believe must-have lists simply lead to overbuying without evaluating your own priorities and values. As you read on, consider these items a jumping off point for your own registry - things to consider and not items to blindly purchase.
My friend Emily, founder of MyNestwell, was kind enough to offer her list of “hero” products. She does a beautiful job of describing why these products worked for her family and how they helped her transition into motherhood. We both know that products alone won’t ease that transition, but they can help take the guesswork out of some tasks that might seem overwhelming at first, like getting out -and-about and developing a bath time routine.
Emily and I know that the right gear can only take you so far - it’s the village you build that truly makes a difference. In fact, Emily’s platform, MyNestwell, was founded to do just that - connect hopeful, expecting, and new moms to wellness experts and providers like doulas, acupuncturists, coaches, and therapists as they transition into motherhood. It was born out of her own frustrations of finding her care village to support her during her fertility journey and again in pregnancy. She believes women can do it all...with a village behind them!
Emily is the real deal and is a true village builder herself, supporting other female entrepreneurs and mamas on their journeys. I’m so happy to have her as a contributor here with such thoughtful and functional items.
Emily’s Picks
1. Uppbaby Vista Stroller + Bassinet
This was the biggest item we registered for and we felt so lucky we had amazing friends and family who gifted it for us. We went back and forth on strollers (as everyone does!), but we loved how spacious this was and comfortable it was to push. The bassinet was so, so handy in the first 5-6 months as our little Esme napped in it on walks and made for a super convenient crib when we travelled.
2. Ikea 3-tier cart
We have two of these - 1 in Esme’s room and 1 in our living room. It’s where we store all the things we use on a daily basis. It’s the perfect combo of keeping things compartmentalized and still easy-to-reach with one hand which is essential in those newborn days. Diapers, changing pads, wipes, breast pads, little toys, and other toiletries and odds-and ends get stored here. Now that E’s older, she keeps some of her smaller toys on the two bottom shelves for easy access.
“It’s the perfect combo of keeping things compartmentalized and still easy-to-reach with one hand which is essential in those newborn days.”
3. Multi Stage Tub
I loved showering with Esme when she was teeny tiny but then she became too slippery and wiggly. We transitioned to this tub, first with the little hammock, and now without. It’s comfortable and allows us not to waste so much water. We tried the foldable tubs because we wanted to save space, but they just didn’t work for our sinks. Esme seems to love this tub too.
4. Night Light
Cloud light. This was a gift from a dear friend and I love it as a sweet decorative piece during the day in our bare bones nursery...which is really our bedroom that we got kicked out of. At night, it offered the right amount of light that made changing her diaper doable without disrupting her sleep cycle too much.
“I tried to stay off Google for baby questions, either consulting our pediatrician, mom friends, or my own mom.”
5. Stay off Google Resource
Baby411. This was essentially our Babies for Dummies guide. I tried to stay off Google for baby questions, either consulting our pediatrician, mom friends, or my own mom. When they weren’t available, this was our go-to. It’s easy-to-read, keeps it real, and surprises you with some funny bits every now and again that only parents who are living the crazy first year with a baby would love. The information is really practical, but they keep it light. I love that it’s broken down by chapter and week / month so I could keep track of what to expect at different ages.
About my co-author:
Emily Watson is the founder of MyNestwell and mama of a 16-month baby girl. MyNestwell is a new platform that connects hopeful, expecting, and new moms to wellness experts and providers like doulas, acupuncturists, coaches, and therapists as they transition into motherhood. It was born out of her own frustrations of finding her care village to support her during her fertility journey and again in pregnancy. She believes women can do it all...with a village behind them!